пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Feuding rabbis should stop harassing each other, says judge

NSW: Feuding rabbis should stop harassing each other, says judge

A New South Wales Supreme Court judge has urged mining magnate JOSEPH GUTNICK and hisbrother-in-law, Rabbi PINCHUS FELDMAN, to stop harassing each other as their legal battlecontinues.

The pair are feuding over a $5 million loan Mr GUTNICK provided in 1994 to bail outthe Yeshiva group of properties, including religious schools and a synagogue, at Bondiin Sydney.

Rabbi FELDMAN and his wife, PNINA -- Mr GUTNICK's sister -- are Yeshiva directors.

Last month New South Wales Supreme Court judge PETER YOUNG ordered Rabbi FELDMAN torepay the loan, worth $15 million with interest and costs.

Rabbi FELDMAN took the case to an Israeli rabbinical court, or Beth Din, which issuedan order to excommunicate Mr GUTNICK, who is also a rabbi, on July the 15th.

Mr GUTNICK then launched contempt of court proceedings against Rabbi FELDMAN.

The case to determine whether Rabbi FELDMAN's actions constitute contempt is yet tobe heard, but Justice YOUNG today declined to grant an injunction to intervene.

He says it would be better if the parties stop harassing each other and abandon theimpugned conduct on the one side and abandoned the contempt proceedings on the other.

AAP RTV ka/nf/wz/rp


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